Things to Keep in Mind While Buying Panel Enclosures

Panel enclosures house and protect electronic and electrical components from the environment and accidental contact. With an almost endless variety of enclosures to choose from, this article will guide you on how to get the right cabinet for your application. Here are a few things you will need to keep in mind. Environment Placement of your enclosure is the most important considerations to be made while determining which enclosure type will work best for you and your application. All panel cabinets have different needs based on its location and its vulnerability. The environment plays an essential role in determining which material is suitable for the enclosure. Stainless Steel panel enclosures are ideal for harsh applications due to their high corrosion resistance while 316 stainless steel will be more resistant to chlorine and salts, so it is suitable for marine applications. Cost-effective solutions are going to be fibreglass and polycarbonate enclosures. Th...